Monday, 5 August 2019

Introduction to a Computer

Computer is an a electronic Machine. It is also called  Smart Machine. it do our all tasks like Accounting , designing, Data Analyzing , Data Manipulating, Data Storing, Data Retrieving etc.

As it is a  Machine, It take data as input from user for processing to generate meaningful information or result. after processing on data ,  it store generated result into a  memory( storage Capacity of  a computer). after we can make changes into that data, we access it. we can transfer it.

    A computer 

- Parts of computer 

As our Human body has many parts , such as eyes, ear, legs, hands, brain etc. likewise, computer has many parts which are connected to it. 
the parts that we can touch and feel it physically, these are called hardware. 

Computer parts are divided into two parts. 
1. Input Devices
2 Output Devices.

1. Input Device
                        Computer need some data to work on it and takes that data form user. we enter that data with help of input devices. 
Input devices are though which we can enter a data to computer for processing, such letters, text, image, figures etc. 

Input devices are :
i. Keyboard
ii. Mouse
iii. Microphone
iv. Scanner
v. Web Camera
vi. Digital Camera
Vii. Trackball 

there are to many input devices, so we will we see one by one to it.